- Ashley Brothers -
Located in Bend Oregon
Psychic Readings, Quantum Healing, and Subconscious Reprogramming for Inner Mastery and Transformation
Ashley Brothers

Hello. My name is Ashley Brothers. Since 2004, I have worn many hats. I am a motivational speaker, spiritual counselor, international life coach, teacher, and specialist in energy psychology, quantum healing, and ancient practices. I host the Soul-Deep Podcast on Gnostic TV, interviewing incredible people worldwide on their methods of helping people heal and transform their lives through a blend of science and spirituality. I am a guest speaker on numerous other podcasts and a guest lecturer for conferences addressing natural remedies for overcoming toxic stress and trauma. My passion is assisting people in becoming the best versions of themselves by identifying and overriding toxic patterns and limiting beliefs; healing chronic pain and disease naturally; restoring health and wellbeing; igniting passion and joy; solving problems; setting and achieving goals; and learning how to use the technology of the mind, body, heart, and soul to manifest their greatest version of themselves and reality.
My work is a blend of techniques and philosophies from cultures around the globe that combine science and spirituality to access alternate states of consciousness for information, power, protection, and healing. To gain this knowledge and wisdom, I have trained with indigenous people, doctors, therapists, scientists, healers, shamans, mystics, and spiritual leaders from the US of America, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Bolivia, Guatemala, Peru, Africa, New Zealand, Australia, Europe, China, Malaysia, Russia, and Tibet. I’ve had the honor of being trained in indigenous songs, ceremonies, dances, rites, rituals, initiations, and practices. I have been tested in countless ways before being permitted to share these ancient practices with others. What I learned from these global masters not only changed my life but also saved it countless times when modern medicine left me to die. After curing myself of a terminal disease, seizures, strokes, chronic pain, and partial paralysis, I dedicated my life to helping others heal and transform their lives like I had.
My mission is to truly awaken people to their multidimensional that are not limited to or by their earthly experiences or their reactions to them. I want to put the power of health, wealth, joy, transformation, and success (in any area of life) back into the hands of those that are willing to think, feel, say, and do what is in their highest good despite their fear and uncertainty. To do so, I’ve been a teacher and practitioner of energy medicine, psychic development, and shamanic healing techniques for over 20 years. I have energetically cleared and blessed homes, land, and commercial buildings to remove imprints of abuse, trauma, war, disasters, and disease. I have blessed newborn babies, newlyweds, or people seeking new lives, new paths, new events, circumstances, and relationships.
I’ve been an end-of-life companion and a death doula for people until they took their very last breath. I have sat with (and counseled) people who lost their loved ones due to terminal diseases, murder, suicide, natural disasters, drug overdoses, and tragic accidents. I have helped people out of cults, toxic relationships, domestic violence situations, horrendous jobs, health crises, addiction, bullying, narcissistic abuse, and much more. I’ve assisted people at their wit's end with no money, no home, no car, and no job. They had no place to go but shelters or the streets. I’ve also worked with some of the highest most elite individuals, CEOs, doctors, therapists, entertainers, musicians, politicians, and more.
My clients come from all walks of life, religions, races, and economic statuses, who have reached their breaking point or who have faced challenges and situations that left them feeling helpless, hopeless, and powerless, with no solutions and no support. The truth is that, regardless of a person’s beliefs, position, or economic status, we all have a burden to bear, a lesson to learn, and a story to tell.
I have been so blessed, humbled, privileged, and grateful to be a part of their lives; so honored to have their faith and their trust when they are at their most vulnerable; and I have also been so happy and proud to celebrate them at their best….to share in their joys and successes, as much as their failures, heartache, and loss. It’s been amazing to witness the beauty and the power of the human spirit across six continents and 33+ countries.
It is only now, in 2025, that I feel compelled to transition my career from one with an emphasis on spirituality into one that puts neuroscience at the forefront in hopes of eliminating any barriers of beliefs so that I can reach and assist as many people as possible. After 21 years of service to my global citizens, I have found that the world is in dire need of practitioners and organizations that treat the whole person…not just their symptoms. No pill will change a person’s attitude, beliefs, mindset, habits, behaviors, choices, decisions, actions, or reactions. It won’t cure a disease, change a person’s physiological response to stress, or give them tools to become happy, healthy, resilient, strong, successful, and adaptable in an ever-changing world that has put greed before the health, safety, and wellbeing of its people.
So I am here, creating a new version of my business, The Institute of Conscious Evolution, to incorporate the wisdom I have come to understand:That everything in existence is made up of energy and consciousness, and if we are to heal and transform our lives, we have to be willing to see and acknowledge faulty thinking and behavior and to make new decisions that are in alignment with what we seek rather than what we fear or hope to avoid.
We need to make different choices to have different outcomes, but we must override our faulty conditioning and habits that have led us to the challenges we face as individuals and as a collective. This change starts within each of us. It begins in our minds and our hearts. When we consciously change what we think, how we feel, and what we say and do from a place of evolved awareness, compassion, and true wisdom, we change our own lives and those of countless others.
The ancients knew that inside each of us is a master intelligence connected to everyone and everything in all lifetimes, timelines, and dimensional realities and if we learn to connect, communicate, and interact with it in a particular way, extraordinary miracles can happen. My own life is a testament to this truth, and if you read my story below, it will seem like something out of a sci-fi movie, but it’s not. I’ve seen, heard, and experienced things that are far beyond what doctors, scientists, and government systems would have you believe is possible. So, if you seek to master yourself and reality, please continue reading to see what can happen when you do.
The Early Years:
Although I didn't start my formal training in multicultural shamanic healing techniques until 2004, my gifts of intuition, premonition, and clairvoyance began when I was a baby. I still remember standing at the edge of my crib watching spirits walk around the room. Needless to say, my early experiences made nap time and going to bed at night quite a unique, and often unpleasant, adventure.
My first memory was of an event that occured before I was born. My mother had juvenile-onset diabetes and had collapsed between a chair and an ottoman. I can recall everything she did, the clothes she wore, the TV shows she watched, and even the decor of the living room. I remember my sister and I playing with colored blocks and "Lincoln Logs next to her body until Dad got home. However, when I asked my parents about the incident several years later (at the age of 18) my mother burst into tears and handed the phone to my dad. He said that my recollection of the event was mostly accurate. The detail that I missed was that my sister (who is older than me by 2.5 years) hadn't been fed nor had her diapers been changed in 7 hours and, despite the chaos, she seemed happy and calm when Dad came home. When I asked about me, Dad said that Mom had been 6 months pregnant with me at the time of the event and fallen directly on top of me where she had lain in a coma until Dad found her. I still remember it like it was yesterday.
Gift or Curse?
As I grew, she had multiple premonitions that allowed me to be at the right place and time to prevent an accident or, in some cases, a death. I was also extremely empathic, and could feel other people's thoughts, emotions, and intentions as if they were my own. My gifts came sporadically and often induced fear, confusion, depression, and anxiety. I didn't know how to shut them off or call upon them, making my life, and ability to interact with others, very stressful and difficult.
I heard voices and saw eyes or faces looming above me in bed at night. I felt the presence and touch of invisible malevolent beings all day, every day. Sometimes I encountered angelic beings that would intervene on my behalf, but prior to my training, I predominantly experienced the unpleasant side of the human and spiritual realms. As if that wasn't enough, I endured complex abuse, trauma, neglect, and the death of my mother that led to severe anxiety, depression, and PTSD, for which I was medicated from 2000-2004. During that period, I shut down and most of my extrasensory gifts were suppressed, along with my personality.
The Reading That Changed Her Life:
In January 2004, I went for a tarot reading that would change my life forever. It was essentially unremarkable until I bent down to pick up my purse, and the reader asked me if I knew I could speak to the dead. All of the hair on my body stood on end as I sat up and stared at the woman who then slid the business card of the woman that would become my first spiritual mentor across the table to me.
My first experience with shamanism began at a life purpose workshop in my hometown of Seattle, WA in February 2004. There I learned different divination techniques that helped me access information from alternate realities. After that, I received my first healing that utterly changed my life.
Soul Retrieval:
Before my first shamanic healing (soul retrieval) in 2004, I experienced a wide range of mental, emotional, and physical illnesses that made coping with life nearly impossible. I slept in the bed my mother died in (2000-2002) and I could barely tolerate the sound of a human voice or the touch of a human hand. I isolated myself from the world; slept or laid in bed 18 hours a day; and self-medicated with food and cigarettes. I weighed 260lbs and would turn purple just walking down the hall. Within months of the healing, I was able to hug my family for the first time in years without cringing. (A side effect of abuse). I lost 100 lbs; quit smoking; had my first massage without a panic attack; enrolled in massage school; ceased all medication; and began my training in energy medicine and shamanic healing techniques. To say that I became an entirely different person; a happier, healthier person, with a life full of amazing experiences; is an understatement. I didn't know, when I started this journey, that my gifts and training would save my life when modern medicine left me to die to cover up a medically-induced terminal disease and its side effects.
Takayasu's Arteritis (AKA - The Pulseless Disease):
In November 2005, I underwent a surgery to have 2 ovarian cysts removed from my right ovary. Unbeknownst to me, the doctor had left something behind that led to a massive infection that spread throughout my whole body, destroying some organs, and damaging others. It took 7.5 months for them to finally perform a 2nd surgery that revealed a retained lap sponge, two grapefruit-sized abscesses, which they removed before surgically separating the rest of my organs that had become fused together. I lost my left ovary that day and the rest of my reproductive system 8 months after that, but my journey didn't end there.
Since November 2005, I endured multiple surgeries; severe pain; organ damage, failure, and loss; countless seizures; 16 miniature strokes; and the development of a rare, and often fatal, autoimmune disease (Takayasu's Arteritis) that nearly took my life several times. Takayasu's Arteritis is a rare autoimmune disorder that first inflames your arteries and aorta and then scars them so badly that you lose the blood supply to whatever they are attached to. In this case, it affected so many parts of my body that I was forced to write my will and pre-pay for my own cremation. My urn and thank-you cards for attending my funeral arrived two weeks later.
Because my multitude of conditions were the result of medical malpractice, I was ostracized and refused care by over 40 doctors in 3 different states. I was told that many women have symptoms that have no basis in reality and that I was typical woman that needed to "learn to relax." I was told that even though I thought I was having chest pain and shortness of breath, pain is psychological, and I just needed a psychiatrist. My favorite (I say this facetiously) is when I was told that "you aren't dead yet, so it must not be that bad." I had to order my own records to discover the overwhelming truth of just how severe my condition was and how many organs were involved. I had a 0% chance of survival without medical intervention.
When I realized that I was deliberately being shunned and lied to, I turned to my spirit guides for the advice that saved my life. They were the ones that told me I was dying. They were the ones that were with me when I had strokes and seizures while driving on the freeway, with clients at work, or collapsed on the floor at home. They breathed into my chest for me so that I could make it up the stairs and they were with me when I would go temporarily blind because using my hands would steal blood from my brain. Like many indigenous shamans throughout the world, I experienced excruciating pain and multiple near-death experience to cultivate my relationship with my spirit guides and alternate realities.
What they taught me about herbs, diet, and lifestyle healed my entire body and put all of my former conditions in remission even though Western Medicine treats such conditions with a cocktail of low-dose chemotherapy, anti-inflammatory, and immunosuppressive drugs until you die. I was so relieved to have cured myself of a supposedly terminal disease, but because of the scarring of my arteries and aorta, I still had to undergo one last surgery. You wouldn't know by looking at me that the blood supply to both of my legs, my left arm, and my brain flows through synthetic tubes made of gortex and dacron or that I had to relearn how to read, do the math, to eat solid food, and use the left side of my body all over again. I now enjoy a fully functional, active life that includes travel, hiking, and weightlifting. With the help of my compassionate spirits, I did what the medical community considered impossible.
During this difficult period of my life, I made it my mission to travel all over the United States and other countries to seek the wisdom teachings that I now pass on to others through my psychic readings, life coaching, healing sessions, and training program.
My training includes psychic mediumship, journeying, soul retrieval, extraction, compassionate depossession, divination, oracle work, dying consciously, chakra illumination, Reiki, massage, craniosacral therapy, sound therapy, pranic healing, reflexology, neuro-linguistic programming, HeartMath, Silva Mind Control Method, Holographic Matrix Re-imprinting, and countless shamanic initiations and ceremonies from cultures throughout the world since 2004.
Teachers and Current Certifications:
Introduction to Shamanic Healing - Char Sundust
Introduction to Tibetan Shamanism - Bhola Banstola
Lakota songs, ceremonies, dances, rituals and healing - Neil Blessed Sojourner
Pranic Healing 1&2 - Master Choa Kok Sui
Reiki Master - Holy Fire Reiki - Reiki Membership Association
Shamanic Practitioner - Foundation For Shamanic Studies & Four Winds Society
Mediumship and Advanced Compassionate Depossession - Betsy Bergstrom
Soul Retrieval - Sandra Ingramen
HeartMath Resilient Heart Trauma Sensitive Training
Intensive Progressive & Week-long Intensive - Dr. Joe Dispenza
Unleash The Power Within - Tony Robbins
Silva Mind Control Method -
NLP - Online
Holographic Healing and Holographic Matrix Re-imprinting - Online
Occupational History:
I have worked in the medical field since 1997. I started as a direct care provider for developmentally disabled and mentally ill adults in group home settings. From there I became a medical claims examiner and supervisor for Social Security Disability from 2000 to 2006. I was on the board that created the first paperless electronic filing system for the entire United States Social Security Disability program. In 2006, I became a medical massage therapist and reiki practitioner and opened my own business as an intuitive healer.
My extensive medical training (2000+ hours) combined with my spiritual gifts, training, and over two decades of experience, equip me to deal with a wide range of populations. I am not only knowledgeable of physical, mental, and emotional conditions; their limitations, and conventional treatments; but I am also gifted in taking a holistic approach to healing on multiple levels. I lood for the root cause of a problem instead of the superficial symptoms. I know (through experience) that addictions, illness, and dysfunction are usually a result of toxic stress (from chemicals, people, and environment), poor diet and lifestyle, and feeling disconnected.
My multicultural, multidimensional modalities allow me to tailor my healing and training sessions to meet your unique individual needs. I acknowledge that I am not a medical doctor and will gladly, and safely, work in conjunction with your healthcare professionals if that is your wish. My greatest desire is to bring you back to wholeness, love, harmony, abundance, optimal health, and well-being in whatever way suits your comfort level and highest healing good.
Thank you for reading. May you have a blessed day.